How do I change or install PHP modules on my domain in Plesk?

Log in to Plesk:

  • Access your Plesk control panel using the "Control Panel Access" option in your client area.

Go to Websites & Domains:

  • Select the domain for which you want to change or install PHP modules.

Navigate to the PHP Settings:

  • Click on "PHP" under the domain's dashboard.

Select PHP Version:

  • Check the "PHP Support" box, and choose the desired PHP version and the PHP Handler from the drop-down menu.

  • Click "OK" or "Apply" to save changes if you've updated the PHP version.

Install or Update PHP Modules:

  • Scroll down to the "Common settings" or "Additional directives" section.

  • Here, you can enable or disable specific PHP modules.

  • To install new modules, click on "PHP Composer" or "Extensions"

  • .Choose the desired PHP modules from the list by checking the boxes next to them.

  • Click "Install" to add the selected modules.

Apply Changes:

  • After selecting the required modules, click "OK" or "Apply" to save the changes.

Verify Installation:

  • To verify that the modules are installed, create a PHP info file.

  • Create a file named info.php in the root directory of your domain.

Add the following line to info.php:

Access the file in your browser by navigating to http://your_domain_name/info.php.
Check the PHP info page for the installed modules.

Remove PHP info File:

  • For security reasons, delete the info.php file after verifying the installation.