What are the differences between PHP FastCGI, CGI, FPM, and Dedicated FPM in Plesk?

PHP with FastCGI

  • Overview: FastCGI is an enhanced version of CGI (Common Gateway Interface) that provides better performance by keeping the PHP interpreter in memory for multiple requests.

  • Advantages: Faster execution compared to CGI because it avoids the overhead of starting a new process for each request. More efficient resource usage.

  • Disadvantages: Slightly more complex to configure and manage compared to CGI.

  • Use Case: Suitable for high-traffic websites needing improved performance over standard CGI.

PHP with CGI

  • Overview: CGI is the traditional method for executing external programs from a web server. Each request starts a new process for the PHP interpreter.

  • Advantages: Simple to set up. Each request is handled by a new process, providing strong isolation between requests.

  • Disadvantages: High overhead due to starting a new process for each request. Slower performance compared to FastCGI and FPM.

  • Use Case: Suitable for low-traffic websites or development environments where simplicity is preferred over performance.

PHP-FPM (PHP-FastCGI Process Manager)

  • Overview: PHP-FPM is an advanced version of FastCGI with additional features for process management and improved performance.

  • Advantages: Better performance and scalability. Advanced process management features, such as adaptive process spawning, slow log, and emergency restarts. Lower memory usage compared to FastCGI.

  • Disadvantages: More complex configuration compared to CGI and FastCGI.

  • Use Case: Ideal for high-traffic websites requiring efficient resource management and high performance.

Dedicated PHP-FPM

  • Overview: Dedicated PHP-FPM runs a separate pool of PHP-FPM processes for each domain, providing complete isolation between domains.

  • Advantages: Improved security and isolation, as each domain has its own pool of PHP-FPM processes. Prevents one domain from affecting the performance or stability of others. Customizable settings for each domain, allowing for tailored optimization.

  • Disadvantages: Higher memory usage due to separate pools for each domain. More complex to configure and manage.

  • Use Case: Suitable for hosting multiple high-traffic websites where isolation and custom optimization for each domain are required.

Comparison Table





Dedicated FPM




Very High

Very High

Resource Usage



Very Efficient


Process Management











Moderate Complexity




Use Case

High-traffic sites

Low-traffic sites

High-traffic, scalable

High-traffic, isolated

Additional Notes

  • FastCGI vs. CGI: FastCGI is preferable over CGI for better performance and efficiency, particularly for websites with moderate to high traffic.

  • FPM vs. FastCGI: PHP-FPM offers advanced features and better performance management than FastCGI, making it suitable for high-traffic websites.

  • Dedicated FPM vs. FPM: Dedicated FPM provides the benefits of PHP-FPM with the added advantage of isolation and custom settings per domain, which is ideal for hosting environments with multiple high-traffic domains.

Choosing the right PHP handler depends on your specific needs regarding performance, resource management, and the level of isolation required for your domains.